cog wheels, gear, wheel

New Year’s Eve in May – start in Corona Phase 2

…do you remember New Year’s Eve and New Year’s resolutions? What ideas and plans we all had. If someone had told me that I would go shopping in April with mouthguards, I probably wouldn’t have taken them seriously.

And how are you? I hope you are healthy and happy about the regained freedom through the relaxation of the corona restrictions. What is your highlight, what are you most looking forward to? And what new perspective have you gained through this crisis? Write us your message as a comment on LinedIn/Xing about our last post.

I personally also had some resolutions for the year 2020, especially great projects with my company CDEuM – it turned out differently. And yet I also experienced a lot of good things, such as our smooth transition to the home office, the great teamwork and the great cohesion of my employees. And fortunately, everyone is healthy.

Of course, as a partner of the automotive industry, we feel the immediate effects of the Corona crisis particularly keenly, as the production and development of new cars has come to a virtual standstill. This was a very special challenge for me as Managing Director and I am glad that new opportunities are always emerging. Fortunately, our expertise in the design of raw and clean air and the construction of large-volume plastic parts is so great that we can score points with it. We have everything in our portfolio from vacuum cleaner housings to aggregate partition walls. Take a look at

After collaborating robots and electric scooters have already found their way into our engineering forge, it is now the turn of cranes and mobile homes. Here we at CDEuM have new approaches to security: hologram technology, which projects the relevant technical information onto the windscreen. We are also well ahead in the development of head-up display technology.

After collaborating robots and electric scooters have already found their way into our engineering forge, it is now the turn of cranes and mobile homes. Here we at CDEuM have new approaches to security: hologram technology, which projects the relevant technical information onto the windscreen. We are also well ahead in the development of head-up display technology.

We support companies that, despite the crisis, are now investing in development so that they can get off to a good start in the second half of the year.

We will gladly stay in contact until your project requires our innovative concepts.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
CDEuM engineering
automotive & mechanical solutions

Andreas Seydell
computer – design – engineering & modeling e.K.
An der Altnah 30 – D 55450 Langenlonsheim

Tel.:+49 6704 9610 10
Mobil: +49 171 420 54 24

Niederlassung München
Tel.:+49 89 954 5926 01
Landshuter Allee 8-10 – D 80637 München

Inhaber: Dipl. Ing. Andreas Seydell
Amtsgericht Bad Kreuznach HRA 20769

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