Every crisis can also be an opportunity

The developments of the last few days have shown us how serious the current situation in our country is again. Germany is preparing for a new partial lockdown in order to get a grip on the rising number of infections. Hopefully we will achieve this goal.

At the same time, a general economic recovery seemed to be slowly taking shape. Forecasts for the 4th quarter of 2020 suggested a slight glimmer of hope, but the automotive industry, of all sectors, was the big exception. The past few weeks were accompanied by waves of layoffs, plant closures and the discontinuation of entire product lines due to enormous cost pressures, ongoing structural change and unclear future prospects.

The reasons why projects are discontinued are often manifold. Low profitability, changes in the legal framework, wrong objectives, lack of communication. The list is long. But the predominant reason at the moment is the changed market requirements. This worldwide pandemic is shaking us to the core and makes you hardly want to deal with the future if you don’t know what the next few days have in store for you. Or do you already know how to celebrate your Christmas? By the way, Christmas Eve is in 56 days.

In 2013 we were entrusted with the development of an IR communication interface CH2 (Compression Hydrogen) between vehicle and filling station. A project that was discontinued after only a few months. Nevertheless, it offered us a great opportunity: We were nominated as a Tier One supplier of Daimler AG.Fun Fact: In retrospect, without ever having delivered in series.

Fun Fact: In retrospect, without ever having delivered in series.

This project thus forms the basis for an innovative and successful cooperation in recent years and shows that creative ideas and good work always pay off. So stay courageous, inquisitive and creative. Don’t see your newly gained leisure time as a restriction but as an opportunity to further your education and to dig out the dusty ideas from the back drawer and look forward to the future. It will be different than expected, but perhaps better than you thought.

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